Services offered by the Colorado Post-Adoption Resource Center
COPARC connects families who have adopted through the child welfare system to training, financial aid, and access to adoption-savvy therapists and local support groups.
Regional Resource Coordinators provide infomraiton and support to adoptive families
COPARC Prospective Parent Specialist supports families from initial adoption interest through placement of a child
COPARC works with communities to create a better understandinf of the needs of adoptive families
Educational trainings for adoptive families on subjects such as: Attachments, Grief and Loss, Transracial Adoption and more
Annual statewide post-adoption conference for both adoptive families and professionals
The Compass - A Family Guide to Post-Adoption Resources.
Rest and Relaxation - A guide to Colorado's Respite Opportunities and creative ideas to develop respite in your community
Family Diversity in Education: Foster Care, Kinship Care, Adoption and Schools
Mentoring Adoptive Parents (MAP) - A mentoring guide for mentors and mentees
Informative post-adoption pages on The Adoption Exchange website:
Available for Colorado parents to meet the adoption-related needs of children adopted through child welfare in any state
Available for counties to provide specialized post-adoption services through mini-grants
Available for child welfare and mental health professionals: AdoptCare and AdoptCare-Advanced.
Availavle for education professionals: Family Diversity in Education: Foster Care, Kinship Care, Adoption and Schools
Available for community members: Respite Care training
Available for adoption professionals: annual statewide post-adoption conference