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What families have to say about COPARC:


“COPARC not only provides practical help but emotional encouragement.  Having a child that is developmental delayed and with psychiatric and behavior issues has been a challenging journey.  It was incredibly affirming and valuable to me that others saw her needs and were willing to help.”  


“The resources helped pay for our son to go to summer camp.  This kept him in a daily routine and improved his social skills. It also provided us respite from daily care giving.”


 “Tutoring for my boys has helped them get closer to grade-level ability in all areas. Their homework assignments no longer take all night and their confidence has increased.”


“COPARC gave us a break to learn more about how to be better parents to our children and gave them a break from us. We came back together refreshed!” 


“These services helped us tremendously to provide chiropractic care to our children who have been severely damaged due to physical, emotional and mental abuse and neglect.”


“The therapeutic riding COPARC helped provide is immensely helpful for our child who has challenges that this therapy helps him meet.  It helps him to form connections with other riders, the instructors and the horses.”



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Phone: 303-755-4576
Toll Free: 1-800-451-5246

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